Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mental Health Day...for YOU!!

Always take the time to reward yourself...just because. Normally we save this pleasure for either a birthday, promotion, etc., but it is mandatory that you reward yourself as much as possible.

Normally, I will take myself to a movie, buy myself some flowers from the guy on the corner, take myself to a museum, or a great lunch. Lunch is my favorite reward because I can enjoy an establishment I wouldn't normally go to, and most importantly, lunch is cheaper! I can get the dinner meal for 1/2 off at lunch. I will take this moment to recommend the Filet Mignon from Flemings :)

Rewarding yourself makes you feel good about yourself and gives you the opportunity to network with new people. When you fly solo, you can indulge in a drink, that will most surely wear off by the time you have finished eating. Taking time out for yourself is definitely a reward for busy single moms. So while you're planning your next off day, this would be categorized as a personal holiday.

As always, stay true to yourself and love yourself...why??? Who can love you better than YOU?!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Validation: Do we really need it???

Each year, new reality tv shows come out, where their is a fierce competition to be labeled the "BEST". Whether its modeling, talent, business savvy, etc, we, the viewing audience, watch the initial offering, and form opinions as to who will be the chosen one. We immediately base our decisions on appearance and credentials, however, you can't judge by the outside alone. In many cases, we are wrong! The winner is the one who projects the most growth over a period of time, while the so-called "shoe-in" is left devastated and tossed off the show. Entering into these types of competitions, is usally to either make them feel superior to others, or to prove their self-worth.

Just as one would decide to enter into a competition, choosing to start your own business takes on the same form of consideration. Where do we make our first mistake? Asking others what do they think about what I am going to do? Have you ever wondered about living your life free of what others thought of you? How it would feel to take on a project, even when others you share your news with, don't share the same enthusiasm you are projecting? Why do we feel the need to share what we are doing in the FIRST place??? VALIDATION!!! We want OTHERS to validate what WE are doing...WHY?!?!?!

By definition, we are measuring pros and cons, should we or shouldn't we? It is typical to let others talk us out of what we want to do, for fear of not being accepted. How can I make something of myself, while still having the blessings of my peers?? My answer- FUCK 'EM!!

I know that is harsh, however, we must learn to make our own decisions and stand by them, no matter what. When you share with someone, criticism is expected. Sometimes I really don't mind hearing what you have to say, however, we also know hearing is passive, while listening is active. Why does this even matter?

Listening to someone means you are ACTUALLY interested in what they have to say, while hearing them means you are basically, just looking in their direction, your mind is wandering and you could really care less.

Don't let others fears, insecurities and negativity, determine YOUR desire and focus, to make your dreams a reality. At times, we allow others opinions to psych ourselves out of a great opportunity, great relationship or idea, to appease others opinions. Seek guidance instead, espacially from those who have traveled the same journey you are embarking upon. Seek guidance from those who want to mentor you. Mentor's have NO vested interest in your hopes or dreams, they are there to guide you.

As always, I encourage reading a new book, and if you are a spirtitual person, who believes things happen for a reason, I suggest reading either Paulo Coelho's, The Alchemist or Russell Simmons, Do You!. Both give great insight into the journey we face when we want to make our dreams come true.

The only person who determines your destiny is YOU!! And if you need a reminder, CLICK HERE to watch one of my favorite artists. The song tells us to "Hold Ya Head" and keep pushing forward. When all else fails, remain TRUE TO THE GAME and most importantly, YOURSELF!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Staying motivated!!

I know, I's been over a month since I have made an entry, and I don't have a valid excuse...well, if you count I am staying motivated to make dreams a reality!

How? By staying focused on the prize- doing something GREAT! My motivation comes from being the 1st minority owned business in my industry, working on making an even greater impact on our environment by working in a cohesive effort with city governments and remembering, it's not about the money!

How dare I say that? Well it's true! When you become motivated by the money, greed takes over and you become willing to partake in Faust-like deals to get this money!

Staying motivated is a challenge, which is why one must always surround themselves with people on the "same page" which is to get money the honest and positive way, even when this way takes slightly longer and requires you to work harder. Many times we want the easy way out, however, that is only short-term mentality. The long-term mentality is to lay the foundation properly so that you can enjoy for years and generations to come.