Sunday, November 28, 2010


As the end of 2010 draws near, we sit back and gauge where we have been and what direction are we headed to in the upcoming year?

Set goals that are meaningful and can enhance your personal growth. Look to increase your level of patience you have in the projects you have taken on; personal relationships included, and work on being a better listener. Once you are able to find balance between the two, will you beginh to properly track your growth.

Remember, good things come to those who wait!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Consulting- Building Your Own Small Business

A very rewarding career choice, is becoming a "Consultant" which means you get compensated for giving your expertise opinion on a business related matter, based on your experience in said field. Consulting businesses are thriving and becoming a large part of the work force. However my mantra is, "the game is to be SOLD, not TOLD"

Friday, November 19, 2010

National Entrepreneur Day: Money Doesn't Sleep!!

After a long work week, the weekend can't seem to get here fast enough! Relax, relate, release comes to mind, as I ponder what to get into, besides work?!

Being an entrepreneur means work doesn't end with the weekend, on the contrary, this is where the real work begins. Organizing thoughts and documents from the work week meetings you attended. Checking your agenda to plan out the next work week. Coming up with fresh and innovative ways to promote and market your short, work never ends!!

True, it seems ideal to work your own hours, make your schedule and not answer to anyone, but you definitely work harder to provide for you and your loved ones. Many hours are spent on the business and ensuring it's survival and becoming sustainable. I can't express how rewarding it is to have complete strangers, support your vision by purchasing or using the product/service you are offering.

Today we say thank you to the many entrepreneurs who keeps going, even when the going gets tough!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Share Your Story: Woman Owned Businesses

If you have your own story to share, about your journey, as you opened your business, you can now share, in confidence, and gain additional exposure for your product and/or service.

Click here to be directed...we look forward to supporting you AND your business.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Wrap it Up!

As we prepare to close out 2010, we must first make it through the holidays. For many, the holidays represent family, fun, sharing and feasting, to others, it's just another day. Thanksgiving, is my least favorite holiday. It was during this holiday, that I was sent to live with my father.

It was bittersweet being dropped off to live with my father, with no warning, that set off a myriad of ups and downs in my life. I found solace in reading, expoloring and many times over analyzing every detail in my life, many times, to my dissatisfaction. I made many mistakes along the way, harboring anger towards my biological mother.

When I was finally, and we are talking some twenty years later, able to transfer the anger I felt towards her, into something positive and worthwhile, that I began to receive blessings in my life. Moving beyond my anger, afforded me the opportunity to exert my energy into something positive instead of dwelling on the past.

Once you are able to let go of hurt, confusion and despair, and find the love for yourself, will you finally reach your full potential. Do it before it's too late! Remember, "all of
your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them"! Don't allow situations, you have NO control over, control your destiny. Wrap it up and toss it out!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Give Back: It's your Duty!!

I am writing this while I am waiting for our monthly PTA meeting to start. I was elected as Secretary, for the 2010-11 school year. I volunteer every morning assisting with traffic control and making sure the kids are able to get from the car, to the school, without being hit. You wouldn't believe, how many parents let their children out of the car, into oncoming traffic, what happened to exit stage right??

Being blessed, with an opportunity to control my work hours, I have made it my duty, to contribute more to the schools my children attend. My older son attends high school, however, he appreciates when I pop up with extra lunch money, before lunch starts.

Giving back, can be as small as providing Kleenex, dry erase markers and HAND SANITIZER! If you are unable to give in a monetary fashion, your time is greatly appreciated. Our teachers and children need your support. The cheerful giver is always a cheerful receiver!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Daylight Savings Time: A great "do over"

This is the only time of the year when we can look forward to 2am, TWICE!! I thnk it's cool to be able to set the clock back and do the whole 2am thing twice. I only started to pay attention to this, during the last couple of years. Why? I am normally asleep at that hour. But today, I am pondering, how often do we wish we can go back in time and do something differently, if given the opportunity???

It is usually easier to say what we would like to do different, as opposed to actually executing said plan, or having a plan at all, to have a different outcome.

Facebook is a great place to find anecdotal quotes, and the one that comes to mind today: "you will have to do something you never have, to get what you want"...maybe I have misquoted, forgive me, but you get the point. Come up with a plan on how to do (insert variable here), execute said plan and journal your progress. You will find that it works, when applied properly.

Take this year's DST to think about what you want to do differently, and write it down. Come back to your journal as often as you like, and write down your thoughts. Always date, and utilize your paper properly. If your days entry takes up only half the page, your next entry should immediately follow, with the current date as the separator. Always write on the back of the page and keep one journal, per idea, in order to stay focused on each individual task.

Sorry, no videos today!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Challenges: Every Journey comes with One...

"There will be...smiles & frowns, ups & downs...share with ME...fairytales ain't meant to be"~ Snoop Dogg (CLICK HERE for Video). If you are a dreamer, like me, you envision your life and all that you want to achieve. We fantasize about our perception of success: making money, who we will marry, starting a business, yet, we seldomly dream about the journey we must take to get there.

Talk to as many people you know, and you still won't fully realize the obstacles, until you embark on the journey. If things ALWAYS went according to plan, success would be nothing. Why? If it where THAT easy, wouldn't everyone be successful??>> Well, lets think about success.

Success is what each of us strive for, however, we define success differently. Success is tied to completing goals and achieving our dreams. One thing success isn't- it's not handed to you on a silver platter, you have to WORK for it...HARD!!! But what fun is that?!

It is imperative that you choose your journeys wisely, for the time it takes to get where we are trying to go, is precious and we can't get it back. Time is one of the single most important attributes of success. Time is what we put into making our dreams a reality. Time is MORE valuable than money...never lose sight of that. So when you decide to invest your time to a project, plan on spending time on: hitting roadblocks, turning down the wrong path and coming in contact with people who don't have your best interests at heart.

Accept your challenges head on and be thankful for them...challenges makes us wiser, more strategic and are the backbone of SUCCESS!!!